Five years ago today, everything changed. I had set the alarm on my television to wake me up for college and the first images I saw were a plane hitting the World Trade Center. Not being very awake, I thought it was a commercial for some new movie. I quickly realized that it was much more than a movie; it was real life in its worst form. Not much later, I watched as both towers fell on themselves and 3,000 plus people died because of terrorists. Our country was now at war.
I remember getting out of the car at college and making the long walk to the classroom looking up into the sky and not seeing a single plane pass by. Our instructor cancelled class that day and I went into the school library where I saw the news on their televisions. Another student passed by me who had not heard what had happened. I tried to explain to him but it was hard to get the words out.
I watched the news almost constantly for weeks after that. Everything had changed. Television, the airports, people going to churches, the Congress all standing together singing “God Bless America.”
A sign was draped over a nearby building days after the attack in New York that read “We Will Never Forget.” And I haven’t. I’ll never forget the planes crashing into the towers, watching as they crumbled to the ground, seeing people running in blackness to get away from the huge wall of dust, hearing that the Pentagon had been hit, and later finding out that heroes (the first of the War of Terror) had crashed a plane into the ground in Pennsylvania.
I was walking outside after church a few years ago and a lady stopped me to speak. She said that she had purchased one of my CD’s at a concert I had done and she and her husband were driving across the country back to Arizona on September 11, 2001. They had seen the pictures and heard the stories and were deeply hit by the reports as we all were. She said they put in one of my CD’s and listened to the songs for encouragement that day to know we still serve a heavenly Father who is watching over us and taking care of us. She was in tears as she related how the music helped them through the long journey back home.
You see, my ministry is not about me. It’s not even about this blog or the website or the music. It’s about serving a Savior that we can all turn to in our best days and worst. It’s about encouragement for the hurting soul and joy for worshiping the Lord.
I don’t care if you’re a Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, or some other denomination. What matters is that you know that you’ve asked Jesus Christ into your heart and life and that you are living life through Him and His Word, the Bible.
No one knows when we’re going to die. But I have heard the statistics show that one out of every one person now dies! Let 9/11 be a reminder to give your entire life over to Christ; not to a church or a group or pastor, but to the only One who knows when you’ll be leaving this earth for the eternal portion of your life.
If you’re not sure if you’ve called upon Jesus’ name to be saved or you want to know more, I encourage you to go the link below and to get saved. It will the best decision you will ever make. The only ETERNAL decision. And remember that those who are born-again Christians are always
In His Grip!

I remember getting out of the car at college and making the long walk to the classroom looking up into the sky and not seeing a single plane pass by. Our instructor cancelled class that day and I went into the school library where I saw the news on their televisions. Another student passed by me who had not heard what had happened. I tried to explain to him but it was hard to get the words out.
I watched the news almost constantly for weeks after that. Everything had changed. Television, the airports, people going to churches, the Congress all standing together singing “God Bless America.”
A sign was draped over a nearby building days after the attack in New York that read “We Will Never Forget.” And I haven’t. I’ll never forget the planes crashing into the towers, watching as they crumbled to the ground, seeing people running in blackness to get away from the huge wall of dust, hearing that the Pentagon had been hit, and later finding out that heroes (the first of the War of Terror) had crashed a plane into the ground in Pennsylvania.
I was walking outside after church a few years ago and a lady stopped me to speak. She said that she had purchased one of my CD’s at a concert I had done and she and her husband were driving across the country back to Arizona on September 11, 2001. They had seen the pictures and heard the stories and were deeply hit by the reports as we all were. She said they put in one of my CD’s and listened to the songs for encouragement that day to know we still serve a heavenly Father who is watching over us and taking care of us. She was in tears as she related how the music helped them through the long journey back home.
You see, my ministry is not about me. It’s not even about this blog or the website or the music. It’s about serving a Savior that we can all turn to in our best days and worst. It’s about encouragement for the hurting soul and joy for worshiping the Lord.
I don’t care if you’re a Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, or some other denomination. What matters is that you know that you’ve asked Jesus Christ into your heart and life and that you are living life through Him and His Word, the Bible.
No one knows when we’re going to die. But I have heard the statistics show that one out of every one person now dies! Let 9/11 be a reminder to give your entire life over to Christ; not to a church or a group or pastor, but to the only One who knows when you’ll be leaving this earth for the eternal portion of your life.
If you’re not sure if you’ve called upon Jesus’ name to be saved or you want to know more, I encourage you to go the link below and to get saved. It will the best decision you will ever make. The only ETERNAL decision. And remember that those who are born-again Christians are always
In His Grip!
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