Too many times I have seen even church leaders say one thing on Sunday and then do just the opposite on Monday and work on hurting people's lives. People can get up in the morning and read a passage of Scripture that tells them to live a certain way; by the afternoon, they are doing just the opposite.
Isaiah noted this problem among the followers of God in Isaiah 29:13 when the Israelites were doing their best to put on a good front for people. However, their faith was superficial. Centuries later, Jesus quoted this verse from Isaiah in Mark 7:6-7 when He saw people in His time doing the same things.
We have this same problem today. With all of the distractions around us, we can get sidetracked from what's right. A person may have every translation of the Bible in their house and a commentary on each but not look at them and not learn from them. A church can say that God comes first but through decorations or TV's or service broadcasts, they can lose the focus of the ministry, of a true worship of God.
As we continue through this year, let's not just say things that sound good. Let's do things that ARE good. Let's not just honor God with our lips but honor Him with our lives! Let's get the focus off of all the materialism of this world and get back to the faith we hold so strongly in Jesus.
Before any new project that I take on with the ministries whether it be a new CD, website addition, multimedia for the concerts, or anything else, I always pray and ask God if this is what He wants. I look to see if each will be a distraction to the message of Christ or a help to getting His message heard. You can do the same in your life with everything you do. Will this task be glorifying to Christ or am I just telling people it will be?
That's a part of living life for the glory of God! Enjoy life!
In His Grip!
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