One of the great gospel singer/pianists Gerald Wolfe wrote a blog post that I thought needed to be repeated here. It was written so well I couldn't have said it better. So, here is his post from his Just The Way It Is blog in its entirety below. --Nathan
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a personal message concerning the upcoming Presidential Election. Since then, that message has made its way around the world... literally, and I have received hundreds and hundreds of emails supporting what it said. I've also received some negative comments... twelve, to be exact.
I've noticed all twelve of the negative emails I received have a similar theme, almost verbatim arguments, justifying their positions on voting for Senator Barack Obama in next month's election. The interesting thing to me is that the emails came from fellow Christians from different areas of the country, so I would assume they don't know each other. It's almost as if they copied their positions from some sort of memo on "why Christians can, and should, vote for Barack Obama." I'm convinced these folks are trying to justify something in their minds that isn't resonating in their hearts. I say that because, if you strip away the "talking points", you get to the real heart of their arguments... money. Without exception, after expressing their opinions on how"the President can't do anything about Abortion", or "nobody likes Abortion", or "what about the needless loss of life in Iraq", the arguments then turn to the economy, and ultimately, their wallets. I am convinced that if Senator Barack Obama wins the Presidential Election next month, it will be because men and women who call themselves "Christian" will vote, based on their view through the lens of self-interest rather than the view through the lens of scripture.
Here then, is THE reason I will not vote for Senator Barack Obama:
1. Barack Obama is the most pro-Abortion (not pro-choice) candidate to ever seek the office of the Presidency. He has said "one of the first things" he will do as President is to "sign the Freedom Of Choice Act" into law. Most people have never heard of it, and have no idea about what it means. I have read it on the US Senate website. It provides for Abortion-on-demand throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy, and negates any current State Laws that prohibit or restrict late-term or partial-birth Abortion. It also provides for Federal funding of Abortion, something currently prohibited by the "Hyde Act". There's a great article written by Princeton University Professor Robert George, concerning Senator Obama's pro-abortion views, and you can read it here.
Of course, as a conservative, I have many, many reasons why I wouldn't vote for Barack Obama besides the "life" issue. Issues like our speedy slide into Socialism, more and more government control over our financial institutions and businesses, tax policy, and so on, but I am compelled by scripture to look out for "the least of these." It's impossible to "care" about people, if you think it's perfectly acceptable to kill them before they're born.
One of Senator Obama's favorite verses of scripture is "if you've done it to the least of these, you've done it to me." He uses that verse to justify his Socialist policy of redistribution of wealth... taking from those who have and giving it to those who don't have as much. The problem is, the scripture speaks of "giving", not "taking". The Biblical view is based on two principles; one is the tithe, which is ten percent of a person's gross income given to the ministry of the local church. The other is "giving", which is above and beyond the tithe that "is the Lord's". Senator Obama, who says he's a Christian, doesn't tithe, let alone give, according to his tax returns. Over the last two years, when he has made a substantial income because of his best-selling books, he has given less than four percent of his income to charities or churches. His running mate, Senator Joe Biden, has given around three percent of his income to charities or churches over the last nine years. Their rhetoric about "caring" doesn't match their record. On the other hand, Senator John McCain has given close to eighteen percent of his income to charities and churches over the last two years, according to his tax returns. Based on the facts, who really cares about "the least of these"?
This year, there is not a Presidential candidate that perfectly matches my core values and beliefs. I am certainly not a "McCainiac", and I find myself in disagreement with him on several issues. However, on the most important issues, his opposition to the Freedom Of Choice Act, and his desire to nominate "constructionist" Justices to the Supreme Court, we are in agreement.
Any person who can over-look the value of the unborn for perceived financial reasons, cannot call themselves a true follower of Christ. There is no valid argument one could give to justify their concern for others, if they would vote for someone who is an adamant supporter of the most pro-abortion legislation every written, period. Call it what you will, a "Christian" who votes for Barack Obama is voting their self-interests, their greed, or their politics, not their convictions.