Monday, December 31, 2007

7 Observations From 2007

The year 2007 is almost over as I write this. Only a few hours away from the stroke of midnight. As I look back on this year, I came up with a few thoughts on some things I learned. Here are my Seven Observations from 2007. -Nathan

Truth is always backed up by facts, not by what people say.
A lot of people say a lot of things. Just watch YouTube for an hour! Not everyone tells the truth when they talk. Make sure what you're hearing is backed up by actual facts. The truth always will be.

The War on Terror is real.
A prominent presidential candidate recently called the War on Terror a bumper sticker slogan. It's much more than that. There are real people who are trying to destroy democracy and Christianity. Most recently was the assasination of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan. Pray for the leaders and troops in harm's way as they defend our very lives.

It's not about the style of a song, it's about the message.
The big debate in churches today is the style of music that will be done. I like hymns and I like the new worship songs/praise choruses. The style shouldn't be the debate, the substance should be. The answer is to have a well-blended service each week.

The pastor is NOT the focus of a weekend church service - God is.
I knew a pastor who talked about himself and his problems from the platform all the time. Everything that he did was focused on himself. The pastor at my church doesn't even step on the platform until the message. Once on the platform, he preaches straight from the Word. A pastor is not the focus of a Sunday event, God should be the focus!

Sometimes is does not good to questions God's motives.
One of my heroes and all-time favorite pianist Roger Bennett was promoted to heaven this year after a 13 year battle with cancer. He was in his mid 40s. His piano playing and the way he lived through the pain and uncertainty is one of the strongest witnesses to trusting Jesus through anything. Why was he taken so early in his life? I have no idea. Trying to understand it while still on earth is pointless. God has the master plan, His ways are higher than ours, and His ways are perfect.

Looking back cannot overtake pressing forward.
Paul tells us in Philippians to forget what is behind and to press on towards what is ahead. We can look back and see high points and low points in our lives. But looking back without keeping an eye on what's in front of you the majority of the time can bring on mixed feelings. Remember the past as a context on how to live the present. Don't live in the past - the future will leave you in the dust.

When you don't know what to do, just do lunch!
I'm serious. It fills you up so you aren't on edge and gives you a chance to think about what you should do when you get back to working - and who doesn't love a good lunch?

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Mistakes and Lying

I read this quote from an article with legendary vocalist Amy Grant and wanted to share it with you. Some of the people from my past need to think about this concept. If a 6 year old girl understands it, then Christian adults should as well.

“I was lying in bed the other night with Corrina, my youngest, who’s 6, and out of the blue, she said, ‘Mistakes aren’t bad, Mom. Mistakes aren’t bad because people make mistakes. Lying is bad, but mistakes and lying aren’t the same thing.’ [Amy continued], really, mistakes are the best teacher, because we learn from our mistakes. You don’t learn from lying, you just dig a deeper hole.”

Thursday, November 01, 2007

A Great End To October

It was a great week to end the month of October. Saturday had me performing at a church for their annual Usher's Banquet. I would say that had around 80 people there with the ushers and families. We had a great steak meal outside and then I did about a 20 minute set. I played some of the great convention-style songs of the past. I finished with the most unique song I've written called "The Ushers." I plan to record it and put it up on the Maack Ministries website in the next few months. The pastor of the church then spoke and gave a great message on how the usher's job is so important and is really the first impression visitors have of a church. Let me tell you, of all the churches that I've been at in my life, this church probably has the best in what they do! Thank you for inviting me.

Saturday night my family traveled over to Chandler to celebrate my cousin's birthday. I won't tell you how old she is but I can tell you that she's four years older than me. The 12 of us had a great meal (steak again) and a great time together.

Sunday I had the priveledge of hearing my church's pastor speak in the morning and then got to hear a famous pastor and one of my favorites speak in the evening. It was a great night of celebration and I know everyone that was there was blessed.

Tuesday, I went to the "Get Motivated" seminar in Phoenix. It is the country's largest motivational seminar and it was in our arena downtown. The place was packed out and the speakers were great! Just to name of a few of them were Zig Ziglar, Michael Eisner, Suzy Orman, and General Colin Powell. I recommend this to seminar to everyone. Our host for the day was a pastor and speaker. I point that out because half way through the day, he spoke about leadership. He ended his talk by presenting the gospel of Jesus to everyone in attendance and gave an invitation. I know that some got saved on Tuesday!

What a great way to end out October and move into the month of November. I hope that you are receiving blessings from the Lord. Sometimes it may seem kind of difficult to find them in the trials of each day, but I garentee that they are there for you. Live life for the glory of the Lord!


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Prayer In Arizona

History was made on Tuesday, August 28, 11:00am - 1:00pm, as 95 pastors, ministry leaders, and high-ranked legislators from all over Arizona met for worship and prayer at the historic "Old Senate" chamber and "Constitution Hall" of the original Arizona Capitol.

Hosted by Arizona Call to Prayer and the legislative chaplains, and with worship led by Daniel Brymer and team, we gathered first and foremost to honor God at the historic heart of our state government. Many prayers were given for our government officials and for our state, including for our top government officials in the Arizona House of Representatives, Speaker James Weiers, and in the Arizona Senate, President Tim Bee, who were both present. Pastors and ministry leaders came from as far as Flagstaff, Kingman, Safford, Sierra Vista, and Tucson. We know of no other time that such a large and representative gathering of the Arizona Christian leadership community has assembled for the purpose of worshiping God and interceding for our state at the original Capitol.

Another key component of the event was the connection with the prayers of the first chaplain recorded at the Constitutional Convention for Arizona Statehood in 1910. The Chaplain Seaborn Crutchfield was known for his powerful prayers for Arizona, and many of these were highlighted by various pastors in the very chamber they were originally voiced 97 years ago. All 50 of Chaplain Crutchfield's original prayers of the Constitutional Convention of 1910 have been compiled in one section of the new book by Guy Chadwick, God in the Foundations of Arizona Government.

God is clearly leading us to connect with the foundations He has laid for our state. An important part of our call is to assemble together in simple godly unity to worship and pray for things bigger than ourselves-- for all of Arizona, our land, and our nation. It is very significant, and a great joy, to see so many pastors and leaders respond to the "inconvenient" call to convene at our original Arizona Capitol. Perhaps this is another way in which Arizona is "taking the point" for our nation.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

A Response

Several have asked if I plan to respond to the comments written on Mother's Day regarding my "A Dark Cloud" posting that I wrote on April 22. At the time, I decided not to respond because I didn't want to seem like I was stooping to their level of antics, however, now that time has passed, I will give brief responses to both comments made.

First, let me say that what was said leads me to believe that both of these were written by people in leadership roles at the church my posting was referring to. Unfortunately, I can't use names because both writers were too cowardly to reveal who they truly are.


Maybe instead of dwelling on people imperfections you should analyze your bitterness. I do not think it is right to talk about anyone but do not forget the fact that we are all sinners in need of salvation. I think instead of the focus being on peoples sins that we already know we all have you should in turn look at praying to surrender your bitterness that you are carrying. By your notes it is obvious that it has become your whole life.

I'm not sure what bitterness he's referring to. If he actually took the time to read my posting, he would see that I gave a factual account of the event that took place in the waiting room at the church as well as other times he had publicly lied and bad-mouthed certain members of the congregation. This story led into what I see as an epidemic in this nation of sins that are occurring even at the top levels of the church. I understand that everyone is a sinner (Romans 3:23) but the problem comes when that person doesn't believe he is sinning and shows no sign of repentance. The Bible says to bring it out into the open in Matthew 18:17 after dealing with in private (which I tried on several occasions to do while attending that church). As for this becoming my whole life, he obviously doesn't understand this blog nor does he care to. It is very little of my life and when I write about this past, I grieve for those still in denial and pray that they would repent of their sins and that great things could come from them. I write from past and present experiences. I want Christians to learn how to live out God's Word and just as the entire Bible is written from experiences (God-anointed), I do the same to help give examples of what to look for, things to avoid, and how to live life for the fullest glory of God Almighty.


Hey $#%#, quit talking $#%# about my pastor and using your "Living Life" column to bash the people of God and His Bride the church.

Q. What church do you attend?
A. NONE, your not an active member anywhere.

Q. How many times have you sang at a church in the last year?

Dude.....quit talking trash or im gonna throw you in a pool of water.

I had to edit out the bad language this person used in his comment just to use it in my post! He asks two questions and then proceeds to answer them. I doubt he has ever met me and he wouldn’t know anything about what I’m doing in regards to these questions unless he’s stalking me which is a crime. Both answers are lies that he chose to write. This is called libel. I do attend church regularly. I choose not to disclose which church on this blog because of people like this writer. I don’t know the exact number of times I’ve sung at a church. I’ve been blessed to do concerts and events and in turn have been told what a blessing I have been to them. He could not find where I’ve ministered in concert on my web site because once again, I chose not to post the places for fear that a person like this would come and disturb or harm the people who have come to enjoy a time of music. I have not done concerts in the past few months because I’m working on two new CD projects, a new web site, and gearing up for the 2008 tour as well as several other behind-the-scenes projects. Finally, I don’t really like having my life border-line threatened. However, after thinking about it, it is hot outside so maybe a splash in a pool would be cool and refreshing.


As you can see, these two have no grounds for the comments they posted. Unfortunately, when you let the truth be known that others want hidden, you end up with some haters and hateful comments. The person who wrote Comment 2 shows the type of person coming out of this church and how they treat others, speak using profane language, and use threats. I’ve also seen from this person's bio that it appears he puts his pastor on a higher level than even God. That is truly scary. Please pray for these two that they would truly come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and their lives would be changed and used to bring others to Christ. I love to see lives changed and people draw closer to Jesus!

In His Grip!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

National Ice Cream Day!

Hey Everyone!

It's National Ice Cream Day! Read more info below...

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated July as National Ice Cream Month and the third Sunday of the month as National Ice Cream Day. He recognized ice cream as a fun and nutritious food that is enjoyed by a full 90% of the nation's population. In the proclamation, President Reagan called for all people of the United States to observe these events with "appropriate ceremonies and activities."

The International Ice Cream Association (IICA) encourages retailers and consumers to celebrate July as National Ice Cream Month. In 2007, National Ice Cream Day will be Sunday, July 15.

The U.S. ice cream industry generates more than $21 billion in annual sales and provides jobs for thousands of citizens. About 9% of all the milk produced by U.S. dairy farmers is used to produce ice cream, contributing significantly to the economic well-being of the nation's dairy industry.

Founded in 1900, IICA is the trade association for manufacturers and distributors of ice cream and other frozen dessert products. The association's activities range from legislative and regulatory advocacy to market research, education and training. Its 80 member companies manufacture and distribute an estimated 85% of the ice cream and frozen dessert products consumed in the United States. IICA, as a constituent organization of the International Dairy Foods Association, can be found online at

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Independence Day 2007!

I wanted to wish everyone of you a Happy Independence Day! I've had the opportunity in my life to travel through many of the 50 states. I've seen landscapes, monuments, buildings, and all kinds of Americans still reminding me of the absolute fact that this is the greatest country in the world.

I did a YouTube search on patriotic songs and found two by one of my favorite groups, the Gaither Vocal Band. I've put them below. Enjoy the music and our freedom!


Sunday, July 01, 2007

God Loves You!

Hey Everyone!

The weekend is over (at least it will be in an hour and a half). Has this year been going by fast for you? It sure has for me. It's also gotten hot! I was watching the Arizona Diamondbacks play the San Franciso Giants this weekend. Everyone there was wearing jackets and gloves! We're here in shorts with the fans on high and the air conditioning humming.

Tomorrow, we go back to work. But remember, we have a holiday on Wednesday. I'll write more on that later this week. Just remember, God made every day and He has a plan for you for every minute of that day. We may not like what we're facing from time to time this week, but it could be something that God wants to help you get through.

Let's all thank God each day this coming week for the good times and the bad times and those times when we just don't seem to care.

Just wanted to remind everyone reading this: God loves you!

In His Grip!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Web Sites Down For Repairs

Hey Everyone!

Just wanted to let you know that and are both down for repairs the next few days.

I'll write another post about the web sites when they're up and running.

Have a great Father's Day and weekend!

In His Grip!


Saturday, May 26, 2007

Focus On Jesus

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.

The words to this familiar chorus have gone through my mind for many years. A simple truth that defies every logic society tells to follow today. It gives hope to a person hurting and a reminder of the truth found in God's Word.

Today, we're told to focus on ourselves. We're told to have the most money, have a job with a prominent title, and lie and cheat to get someone out of the way that you no longer feel is adding to the quality of your life.

The Bible tells us just the opposite. It tells us to give to the poor and needy, become less instead of greater, and turn the other cheek when someone is causing harm to you.

The main focus that God's Word tells us we're to have is on Jesus. Once we get saved, our attention should be on Jesus. Everything we do, say, and think should be to glorify Jesus. Look what he did for us! Have you died for anyone's wrongdoings lately? Jesus did! For you! Colossians 3:17 says "And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Our focus on living life is to be on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

A pastor I knew lost focus on Jesus as he gained total control over every decision made at the church. At first, it seemed harmless but upon further examination, the decisions made were not formed on biblical truths nor were they to bring focus and glory on Jesus. Everything became about getting the most expensive items to highlight in different rooms. Much of the talk when really looked at was the pastor trying to find the best ways to make himself look the best he could in front of his congregation. It became his church. Many of his followers, I believe, would defend him more than they would Jesus. He lost what his focus should have been on and in turn, the church lost focus. It doesn't take much. That's why we're to diligently study the Bible and faithfully pray so that God can remind us of our mission on earth and to help us not become focused on the things of this world but on Jesus and the heavenly things we have coming.

If you want to have joy and peace in your life like I do, focus on Jesus. The trials and problems that you're facing today will not seem so big. Jesus has been where you are and He is ready to take you through anything that comes in the path that you and He are on together.

Christ's glory and grace will absolutely make the things of this earth seem small and insignificant when you turn your eyes on the One who saved you and protects you.

Living life to the fullest is focusing on the One who is everything, Jesus!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers out there. I hope you had a great day!

I had a wonderful day. We had a great time with family and friends who came together to celebrate our mothers and grandmother (for us grandkids). I was honored today to provide music and share what God has done through Maack Ministries. We also got an update on my cousin’s missions plans.

Blessings just continue to pour down and I’m glad I have a mother who cares for me and prays for me as I go out and spread the gospel of Jesus through music!

In His Grip!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Dark Cloud

As I sat just outside his office in the waiting area, I could sense a change in the direction of his discussion. My mother had been talking with him about life in general and some about the church. He looked at the desk now empty for the day as the secretary had left for home. It was his next few sentences that made me squirm in my seat and made me want to cover my ears for not wanting to hear what was coming.

“It’s like there’s a dark cloud over the place when she’s here,” he said. He was talking about the church’s secretary. He was the church’s pastor. I don’t know how many times I had heard him praise her to her face when she was in the office telling her she was doing a great job and was an encouragement. To my mother’s and my face, he told of firing her and looking for a new secretary. He went on to explain how when his aunt filled in for a week, she would even dust and vacuum his office – why wouldn’t his real secretary do that, he pondered out loud.

This week I began to think about that again. How could someone pretend in front of so many people. How could he just blatantly bad-mouth members of his congregation, Christians dedicated to the Lord. I don’t know if he’s still pastor there or not but with the immorality and unbiblical behavior I personally saw of him many times, I would guess he is not.

That dark cloud I believe has enveloped over the United States like a bad storm waiting to strike anyone it can. This one week alone, we witnessed a horrible event at Virginia Tech, the anniversaries of the Columbine High School shooting and the Oklahoma City bombing, a hostage taken at NASA and killed along with a suicide, and schools and buildings evacuated because of bomb threats.

Satan is beginning to run this country and Christians are letting him! We’re going along with his guises of how things could be done. We’re witnessing worship services being watered down with songs filled with meaningless diatribe, pastors watering down their sermons or going so long the people lose interest. Deacons and trustees of churches caring more about numbers in pews and the latest and greatest building designs than they do about people’s hearts, and pastors who care more about how much money a person makes than what their dedication is to the church.

We as Christians need to turn from our wicked ways and turn back to God and God alone. We need to ask for forgiveness or our nation is going to fall deaf from hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ! The Bible clearly says that any nation who wants to return to the power of God must first have those who are followers of God confess, repent, and forgive. Until that time, what we saw this week may only get worse.

I pray that it does not. I pray that we will begin to truly see the examples we’re giving the world of Christianity. Let’s begin to remove those dark clouds over the churches of America so we can begin to see the sun once again shine through. Let’s look to Jesus Christ!

In His Grip!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy Easter!!

In a world full of sin and bad news, there's one story that brings hope and joy. Jesus Christ rose from the dead to save you and me from this world of sin and to take us home to heaven one day.

Let's celebrate this victory over evil and rejoice in the love that God has for each of us.

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Thank You Roger!

My favorite pianist and one of my heroes, Roger Bennett, left this earth Saturday morning for his true home in heaven after a decade-plus long battle with leukemia. I watched the funeral live online as songs were sung, stories told, and tears shed.

I first heard Roger play with the Cathedral Quartet when I was about three years old. I was hooked on Southern Gospel music from that day on. I wanted to sing in a gospel quartet and I wanted to play the piano just like Roger. I would listen to him play a line and work hard at getting it to sound just like he played it. When I decided to get a refresher course and took some piano lessons again in high school, the first lesson I had I brought in the sheet music to Roger’s arrangement of “Goodbye, World Goodbye” and told my instructor that I want to learn this song. I’ve played that arrangement all across the Southwest now proud to be playing a song that Roger played. His piano skills were still far superior to mine but I’m practicing hard and will continue to learn from Roger as I become better at my piano playing.

As I said, Roger was diagnosed with leukemia about 12 years ago. From the start, he wasn’t about to shy away from telling the stories that went along with treatments including the highs and lows. He wrote some of the most powerful songs during these years of his life. I followed every update reading his weblog daily. I prayed just like thousands of others around the world for him. He was one of the most optimistic people I knew and His faith was strong. Truthfully, when I had days that were not exactly great, I would remember Roger and how if he could go through his hard times trusting God, so can I. He really is a hero to me. After chemotherapy, radiation, three bone-marrow transplants, dialysis, and other medications, his body was just too weak to continue. He went home peacefully at age 48 and though I’m sad to no longer have this mentor, pianist, singer, humorist, and songwriter around, I thank God that he is home, free from pain and cancer and hospitals.

Roger, thank you for the inspiration. Thank you for the laughter and tears. Thank you for helping me truly see how we are always in God’s grip! Thank you for the songs. Thank you for your time with the Cathedrals and Legacy Five. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me after the concerts you performed at. Most of all, thank you for loving Jesus and sharing His message so freely. As the song you loved to sing says, “At the ultimate healing, you are home free!”

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I'm Dreaming Of A...

...White Christmas! Well, white January! Did you see the reports on television over the weekend? Snow in the Phoenix area! It rarely happens but this past weekend, it did. Golf courses were covered, front yards turned into a white winterland.

Now If God can make it snow in the middle of the desert (the same desert that gets to 115 degrees every summer), think what He can do with your life if you let Him. What an exciting thought. The Bible says that our sins can be washed as white as snow (
Psalm 51:7). Once we're that white and found clean and holy in God's eyes, He can rain down (uh, I mean - snow down) blessings even in the dry desert-like times of our lives. Let Him do this great work in you today!

Link to more pictures of snow in the Phoenix, Arizona area

In His Grip!


Monday, January 15, 2007

Is It Getting Cold?

Have you been outside this week? It’s cold out there! The wind is blowing through the cold air and everyone here in the Phoenix area is wearing long pants and at least one jacket. I saw on the news that we even had ice on the roads here in the Valley of the Sun!

I’ve been watching the national news seeing frigid temperatures and ice storms in the Midwest. It’s amazing how cold can affect lives. There were even ice and power outages in Oklahoma City over the weekend. Just two years ago I traveled through that city in August and it was over 100 degrees with about 160 percent humidity.

Let’s remember to pray for all those affected across the country with these freezing temperatures. I believe that prayer can see dramatic changes even in those lives where the people don’t even know they are being prayed for.

One final note – I once again learned this weekend after about a year or two what a fireplace looked like!

Keep warm!!